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Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums

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CPCA China Printed Circuit Association
HKPCA Hong Kong Printed Circuit Association
IPC Association Connecting Electronics Industries
IPCA India Printed Circuit Association
JPCA Japan Printed Circuit Association
TPCA Taiwan Printed Circuit Association
JISSO Jisso European Council

American National Standards Institute
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has served in its capacity as administrator and coordinator of the United States private sector voluntary standardization system for more than 80 years. Founded in 1918 by five engineering societies and three government agencies, the Institute remains a private, nonprofit membership organization supported by a diverse constituency of private and public sector organizations.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers / ASME
PHONE: 800.843.2763 (U.S/Canada)
PHONE: 001.800.843-2763 (Mexico)
PHONE: 973.882.1170 (outside North America)
E-MAIL: infocentral@asme.org
ADDRESS: Headquarters, Three Park Avenue
New York, New York 10016-5990 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
Founded in 1880 as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, today's ASME is a leading provider of technical information, training, and education for the engineering profession. Through their products, services, and programs, ASME offers you access to an assortment of resources, which enable you to maintain a competitive edge, enhance career development, and stay connected to a global network of peers.

AMT – The Association For Manufacturing Technology
PHONE: 703.893.2900 / Toll Free: 800.524.0475
FAX: 703.893.1151
E-MAIL: AMT@AMTonline.org
ADDRESS: 7901 Westpark Drive
McLean, Virginia 22102-4206 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
Founded in 1902, AMT - The Association For Manufacturing Technology represents and promotes the interests of American providers of manufacturing machinery and equipment. Its goal is to promote technological advancements and improvements in the design, manufacture and sale of members' products in those markets and act as an industry advocate on trade matters to governments and trade organizations throughout the world.

The Canadian Standards Association
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
The Canadian Standards Association is a not-for-profit membership-based association serving business, industry, government and consumers in Canada and the global marketplace.
As a solutions-oriented organization, we work in Canada and around the world to develop standards that address real needs, such as enhancing public safety and health. Advancing the quality of life. Helping to preserve the environment. Facilitating trade.

EDA Consortium
PHONE: 408.287.3322
FAX: 408.317.3322
ADDRESS: 111 West Saint John Street, Suite 220
San Jose, California 95113-1104 USA
CATRGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
The EDA Consortium represents this vital industry on a worldwide scale. It is the international association of companies developing design tools and services that enable engineers to create the world's electronic products. The EDA Industry provides the critical technology to design electronics that enable the Information Age, including: communications, computers, space technology, medical and industrial equipment and consumer electronics.

EECA - European Electronic Component Manufacturers Association aisbl
CONTACT: Martin Spät
PHONE: +32-2-706.86.00
FAX: +32-2-706.86.05
E-MAIL: secretariat.gen@eeca.be
ADDRESS: Diamant Building,
Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80
1030 Brussels, Belgium
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
MISSION:To promote and defend the vital interests of the European electronic components industry and to support its competitive position in the global marketplace.
UNDER THE ROOF OF EECA, there are 2 autonomous industry associations with members coming from the manufacturing and related industries as well as from national associations.

Electronic Components Industry Association (ECIA)
CONTACT: See web page
PHONE: 678.393.9990
FAX: 678.393.9998
E-MAIL: See web page
ADDRESS: Main Office
310 Maxwell Road, Suite 200
Alpharetta, Georgia 30009 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
"Where the Electronics Supply Chain Comes Together"
The Electronic Components Industry Association (ECIA) is made up of the leading electronic component manufacturers, their manufacturer representatives and authorized distributors.
ECIA members share a common goal of promoting and improving the business environment for the authorized sale of electronic components. Comprised of a broad array of leaders and
professionals representing all phases of the electronics components supply chain, ECIA is where business optimization, product authentication and industry advocacy come together.
ECIA members develop industry guidelines and technical standards, as well as generate critical business intelligence.

ESD Association
PHONE: 315.339.6937
FAX: 315.339.6793
E-MAIL: info@esda.org
ADDRESS: 7900 Turin Road, Building 3
Rome, New York 13440-2069 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
Founded in 1982, the ESD Association is a professional voluntary association dedicated to advancing the theory and practice of electrostatic discharge (ESD) avoidance. From fewer than 100 members, the Association has grown to more than 2,000 members throughout the world. From an initial emphasis on the effects of ESD on electronic components, the Association has broadened its horizons to include areas such as textiles, plastics, web processing, cleanrooms, and graphic arts. To meet the needs of a continually changing environment, the Association is chartered to expand ESD awareness through standards development, educational programs, local chapters, publications, tutorials, certification, and symposia.

ERA / Electronics Representatives Association
PHONE: 312.527.3050
FAX: 312.527.3783
E-MAIL: info@era.org
ADDRESS :300 W. Adams St., Suite 617
Chicago, Illinois 60606 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
About ERA
It is the mission of ERA to support the outsourced field sales function in the global electronics industry through programs and activities that educate, inform and advocate for professional manufacturers' representatives and the manufacturers they represent.

The European Institute of Printed Circuits / EIPC
PHONE: +31.43.3440872
FAX: +31.43.3440873
ADDRESS: EIPC, P.O. Box 2060
6201 CD Maastricht, The Netherlands
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
The EIPC is a network of PCB professionals providing platforms to exchange business and technology information for the success of the European electronics industry.

PHONE: +49 (0)30.834 90 59
FAX: +49 (0)30.834 18 31
E-MAIL: info@fed.de
ADDRESS: Alte Jakobstr,
85/86, 10179 Berlin, Germany
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
FED - your professional association for design, printed circuit boards and electronic manufacturing
The FED sees it as a task and duty, by offering vocational training and training, through the provision of practical guidelines and IPC by promoting of experience a significant contribution to the competitiveness of the electronics to ensure industry.

Government Electronics & Information Technology Association (GEIA)
PHONE: 703.907.7566 - General Information, 703.907.7569 - Membership
FAX: 703.907.7968
E-MAIL: mpetitt@geia.org
ADDRESS: 2500 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia 22201-3834 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
GEIA represents the "high-tech" industry doing business with government. Our members are companies which provide the government with electronics and information technology (IT) solutions. In partnership with our member companies and their government customers, GEIA studies the market for IT, enabling technologies, and advanced electronics products and services for defense and civil government agencies. We then produce annually a 10-Year Defense Electronics Forecast, a 5-year Federal IT Forecast, and an Enabling Technologies Forecast, as well as special market studies such as Services & Support, Information Assurance, etc. We connect industry to government through this unique forecasting process, in which our members conduct hundreds of customer interviews.
GEIA is in constant touch with key government executives, and representatives of civilian and defense agencies, as well as Congress. GEIA provides information to industry on trends and opportunities, and facilitates doing business with government through our market-forecast activities and other councils and committees. We also maintain an active standards development program to
provide industry with proven solutions to business process challenges. Configuration Management, Systems Engineering, Systems Safety, Earned Value Management, and other key standards have been created and/or updated in recent years. These represent areas in which the association has become recognized nationally and internationally for its leadership and expertise.
GEIA forms the government market sector of the Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA), which represents an array of high technology trade associations serving the needs of member companies in the telecommunications, consumer electronics and component parts industries.

High Density Packaging User Group
Contacts: Larry Marcanti / Darryl Reiner
Phone: +1.480.951.1963
Fax: +1.480.951.1963
Email: info@hdpug.org
Address: 5722 E. Sugarloaf Trail
Cave Creek, Arizona 85331 USA
Categories: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
A project oriented industry consortium addressing the integration of new electronics component packaging and interconnect technologies into member company supply chains. Membership includes the leading OEMs and companies involved in all aspects of the Electronics Industry supply chain. HDP User Group provides an environment whereby companies can share the effort and results of projects and activities to address the issues facing the industry, thereby significantly reducing the cost and improving the efficiency for all member companies.
Projects include:
Advanced and emerging component packaging.
Latest and next generation soldering technologies.
PWB and component substrate materials evaluations.
Environmental friendly component/PWB solutions.
Opto-electronic interconnect advances.

Hong Kong Printed Circuit Association
PHONE: 852.2155.5099
FAX: 852.2155.9099
E-MAIL: secretary@hkpca.org
ADDRESS: Hong Kong Office
Room 2107, Corporation Park,
11 On Lai Street, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
See web page for Shenzhen office
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
Our mission and objectives:
1. To promote and protect the rights and interests of the printed circuit industry.
2. To represent the industry and present its views to the Government and/or other parties.
3. To develop and strengthen internal and external communication, with a view to enhancing cooperation and business opportunities,by means of the following:
* Organizing technical/business seminars and recreational functions
* Gathering and distributing relevant information to members Establishing links with
* Establishing links with overseas counterparts, such as CPCA, JPCA, TPCA, IPC, KPCA, IPCA and EIPC
4. To establish and manage funds for charity purposes.

Institute of Circuit Technology (ICT)
CONTACT: Bill Wilkie, Technical Director
PHONE: 01573 226131
E-MAIL: Bill.wilkie@InstCT.org
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
The ICT was established in 1974. Since then, it has successfully provided technology based training and seminars to the UK's PCB technologists and engineers, keeping them up to speed with developments in the industry.
    * The ICT is dedicated to technical aspects of Printed Circuit Board Manufacture and Assembly.
    * The ICT was originally established as a forum for discussion on technology matters relating to printed circuit interconnection. This has now been expanded to include their assembly and related technology.
    * The ICT facilitates this improvement in standards by providing opportunities for its membership to improve their knowledge of manufacturing process technologies, materials, and practices through research, discussion and seminars around the country.
    * The ICT operates a grading procedure for membership that will enable industry to measure the levels of specialist education, skills and experience.The membership is graded into Fellow, Member and Associate, designating the level of expertise and experience.

International Electrotechnical Commission
CONTACT: General enquiries
PHONE: +41 22 919 02 11
FAX: +41 22 919 03 00
E-MAIL: info@iec.ch
ADDRESS: 3, rue de Varembé, 1st floor, P.O. Box 131
CH - 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
International Standards and Conformity Assessment for all electrical, electronic and related technologies.

International Engineering Consortium
PHONE: 312.559.4100
FAX: 312.559.4111
E-MAIL: info@iec.org
ADDRESS: 300 W. Adams Street, Suite 1210
Chicago, Illinois 60606-5114 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
The IEC provides high-quality educational opportunities for engineering and communications professionals, academics, and students via events, publications and on-line education.

The International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society (IMAPS)
CONTACT: See web page
PHONE: 919.293.5000
FAX: 919.287.2339
E-MAIL: See web page
ADDRESS: P.O. Box 110127
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709-5127 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
The International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society (IMAPS) is the largest society dedicated to the advancement and growth of microelectronics and electronics packaging technologies through professional education.

International Society for Quality Electronic Design (ISQED)
CONTACT: Dr. Ali Iranmanesh
PHONE: 408.573.0100
FAX: 408.573.0200
E-MAIL: ali@isqed.org
ADDRESS: P.O. Box 607
Los Altos, California 94023 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums * PCB Trade Shows & Trade Show Suppliers
The International Society for Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), established in 1999, is a non-profit international professional organization devoted to "Quality" in design of micro-electronic, nano-electronic, and bio-electronic circuits and systems. The mission of ISQED is to provide various forums and educational programs to present, educate & exchange ideas and to promote research, development, and application of Design Methods, Design Processes, Semiconductor technologies, nano-technologies, IC packaging, Test, design automation tools & methodologies, with focus on design for quality, manufacturing, yield, reliability, and environment.

ISQED also produces the International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, the Asia Symposium on Quality Electronic Design and the International Solar Energy Technologies Conference.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
IEEE ("eye-triple-E"), The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., helps advance global prosperity by promoting the engineering process of creating, developing, integrating, sharing, and applying knowledge about electrical and information technologies and sciences for the benefit of humanity and the profession.

iNEMI / International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative, Inc.
CONTACT: Bob Pfahl
PHONE: 703.834.0330
FAX: 703.834.2735
E-MAIL: bob.pfahl@inemi.org
ADDRESS: 2214 Rock Hill Road, Suite 110
Herndon, Virginia 20170-4214 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
The International Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (iNEMI) is an industry-led consortium whose mission is to assure leadership of the global electronics manufacturing supply chain. With a membership that includes approximately 70 electronics manufacturers, suppliers, associations, government agencies and universities, iNEMI provides an environment in which partners and competitors alike can collectively anticipate future technology and business needs and effectively develop collaborative courses of action to meet those needs.

IPCA (Indian Printed Circuits Association)
CONTACT: R. Chellappa, Secretary General, IPCA
CONTACT: J. Nataraj, Manager, IPCA
PHONE: +91.80.25250118 , +91.80.25211794
FAX: +91.80.25213212
E-MAIL: info@ipcaindia.org, ipca@ipcaindia.org, ipcaindia@gmail.com
ADDRESS: Registered Office
Indian Printed Circuit Association
No.33, Rose Cottage,
ITI Layout, Vijanapura, Bangalore - 560 016 India
ADDRESS: Admin. Office
Indian Printed Circuit Association (IPCA)
# 839 A, 100 Feet Road
Indiranagar I Stage, Bangalore - 560 038 India
CATRGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
IPCA Mission Statement
To promote the state-of-the-art PCB technology and business in the country by mutual exchange of ideas and technical interactions arranged through Seminars, conferences etc., periodically.
* The Association is a voluntary, non-profit, service oriented professional organization.
* Member of the WECC (World Electronic Circuits Council)
* IPCA Membership is open to PCB designers, PCB manufacturers, EMS companies, other users, suppliers of equipment and raw materials and their authorized representatives.

* Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
* Standards / Certifications
The IPC is a United States-based trade association dedicated to furthering the competitive excellence and financial success of its members worldwide, who are participants in the electronic interconnect industry.
In pursuit of these objectives, the IPC will devote resources to management improvement and technology enhancement programs, the creation of relevant standards, protection of the environment, and pertinent government relations.
The IPC encourages the active participation of all its members in these activities and commits to full cooperation with all related national and international organizations.

IPC- 2581 Consortium
CONTACT: Contact form on web page
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums

IPC-2581 is a generic standard for printed circuit board and assembly manufacturing description data and transfer methodology. Developed in 2004 by IPC, IPC-2581 is used for transmitting information between a printed circuit board designer and a manufacturing or assembly facility.
For nearly every step in the industrial process flow, IPC-2581 offers a standard to help companies ensure superior manufacturability, quality, reliability and consistency in electronics assemblies built for their products.

The International Wireless Industry Consortium
PHONE: 215. 293.9000
FAX: 215.293.9898
E-MAIL: donbrown @ iwpc . org
ADDRESS: 600 Louis Drive, Suite 104
Warminster, Pennsylvania 18974 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
The Consortium is a Pro-Active International Community of WIRELESS AND RF PRODUCT OEM's and their SUPPLIERS.
Our Mission is to facilitate communication up and down the entire supply chain to:
* Identify and Clarify Markets, Products/Service Opportunities
* Reduce Costs
* Improve Performance
* Decrease Time to Market
for ALL things wireless

CONTACT: Arlene Collier, Sr. Coordinator
PHONE: 703.907.7534
FAX: 703.907.7583
E-MAIL: arlenec at jedec.org
ADDRESS: 3103 North 10th Street, Suite 240-S
Arlington, Virginia 22201 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
JEDEC is the leading developer of standards for the solid-state industry. Almost 3300 participants, appointed by some 295 companies work together in 50 JEDEC committees to meet the needs of every segment of the industry, manufacturers and consumers alike. The publications and standards that they generate are accepted throughout the world. All JEDEC standards are available online, at no charge.

Machine Vision Online
Automated Imaging Association (AIA)
CONTACT: Dana Whalls, Managing Director
E-MAIL: dwhalls@robotics.org
PHONE: 734.994.6088, Toll Free: 800.994.6099
FAX: 734.994.3338
ADDRESS: 900 Victors Way, Suite 140
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 USA
* Printed Circuit Publications / Online Magazines / E-Zine's / Newsletters / Blogs
* Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
The Automated Imaging Association (AIA) is the global machine vision industry’s trade group, representing more than 290 member companies from 26 countries. Founded in 1984, membership includes manufacturers of complete systems, components, suppliers, system integrators, distributors, end users, consulting firms, academic institutions and research groups directly involved with machine vision and imaging. AIA was organized specifically to promote the use of image capture and analysis technology.
Key activities include administration of standards development for the industry (including GigE Vision™ and Camera Link®); publishing an annual in-depth Machine Vision Market Study; sponsoring The Vision Show and the International Robots & Vision Show; providing educational workshops, conferences and networking opportunities throughout the world; sponsoring the annual AIA Business Conference; publishing the annual printed Machine Vision Industry Directory; and hosting Machine Vision Online, the world’s leading resource for machine vision information.

MEPTEC (Microelectronics Packaging and Test Engineering Council)
PHONE: 607.714.1570
FAX: 866.424.0130
ADDRESS: P.O. Box 222
Medicine Park, Oklahoma 73557 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
MEPTEC is a trade association of over 500 semiconductor professionals committed to enhancing the competitiveness of the back-end portion of the semiconductor business. MEPTEC is concerned exclusively with assembly, packaging and test issues and is dedicated to the advancement of that segment of the industry.

NEMRA / National Electrical Manufacturers Representatives Association
CONTACT: US and Canada
PHONE: Toll Free: 1.800.446.3672 / Local: 914.524.8650
FAX: 914.524.8655
ADDRESS: 660 White Plains Road, Suite 600
Tarrytown, New York USA 10591-1504 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
Whether you're a manufacturer looking to hire the best qualified independent representatives in the electrical industry, or an independent representative looking for advice on best practices or a means to network, the National Electrical Manufacturers Representatives Association - NEMRA - is here for you.
Founded in 1969 by 32 independent representatives, NEMRA has become a leading force in the electrical industry marketplace. NEMRA's membership is comprised of about 500 representative firms, with more than 4,500 highly trained salespeople, and about 250 manufacturer affiliates.

ISO / (International Organization for Standardization)
CONTACT: See web page
PHONE: +41 22 749 01 11
FAX: +41 22 733 34 30
E-MAIL: central@iso.org
ADDRESS: 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse,
Case postale 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
About ISO
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world's largest developer and publisher of International Standards.
ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 157 countries, one member per country, with a Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, that coordinates the system.
ISO is a non-governmental organization that forms a bridge between the public and private sectors. On the one hand, many of its member institutes are part of the governmental structure of their countries, or are mandated by their government. On the other hand, other members have their roots uniquely in the private sector, having been set up by national partnerships of industry associations.

Photo Chemical Machining Institute / PCMI
PHONE: 508.385.0085
FAX: 508.385.0086
E-MAIL: info@pcmi.org
ADDRESS: P.O. Box 739, 38 Strawberry Ln.
East Dennis, Massachusetts 02641 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
The PCMI was founded in the United States in 1967. Quickly added to the membership list were companies from England, Germany and Japan. This was the beginning of what is now a truly international organization. Today PCMI has member companies in 20 countries on 6 continents.
PCMI is different from most trade associations and professional societies because it represents a broad cross-section of all segments of the Photo Chemical Machining Industry's technology. It includes companies that are manufacturers and companies that are users of photo chemically machined parts, as well as companies that supply raw materials, equipment and services used to produce its products.
The purpose of the PCMI organization is to monitor developments in photo chemical machining and to address problems that may affect the process or the industry worldwide.

CONTACT: Generial information
PHONE: 408.943.6900
E-MAIL: semihq@semi.org
ADDRESS: 673 South Milpitas Blvd.
Milpitas, California 95035 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
SEMI is the global industry association serving the product design and manufacturing chain for the electronics industry.

SME (Society of Mechanical Engineers)
PHONE: 313.271.1500
FAX: 313.425.3400
E-MAIL: techcommunities@sme.org
Dearborn, Michigan 48121-0930 USA
CATRGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
The Society of Manufacturing Engineers is dedicated to bringing people and information together to advance manufacturing knowledge. We are internationally recognized by manufacturing practitioners, companies and other organizations as their source for information, education and networking.
Through our member services, publications, events, professional development resources and chapter and technical community networking activities, our Society keeps professionals up to date on trends and technologies.
Through recognition activities and industry alliances, we promote an increased awareness of manufacturing engineering and advocate for improvements and investments in education.

Surface Mount and Circuit Board Association
CATRGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
The Australian SMT Association was formed in 1988 and in 1990 its name was changed to the Surface Mount and Circuit Board Association after the PCB Industry Interest Group joined with the Association.
To facilitate the development of the electronics industry in our region to be world competitive and recognised as a unified, skilled and co-operative industry.

Surface Mount Technology Association
CATRGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
The SMTA membership is a network of professionals who build skills, share practical experience and develop solutions in electronic assembly technologies and related business operations.

Taiwan Printed Circuit Association (TPCA)
PHONE: +886.3.381.5659
FAX: +886.3.381.5150
ADDRESS: No.147, Sec. 2, Gaotie N. Rd., Dayuan
Taoyuan, 33743, Taiwan
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
Taiwan Printed Circuit Association (TPCA) with its goal as a non-profit association was officially established on 18 March 1998. The objective of this establishment is to provide: development material on local and overseas printed circuit board, organize members gathering, representing the country to participate in international printed circuit board activities, promoting common interest, enhancing the overall competitiveness, hoping to promote the industrialists’ culture information exchange, and sharing of resources through various activities that were organized. By maintaining the relationship with overseas association and experts, it helps to promote the competitiveness for Taiwan circuit board industry.

The Foundation for Science and Technology
CONTACT: Inquiry form on web page
PHONE: 020 7321 2220
FAX: 020 7321 2221
E-MAIL: office @ foundation.org.uk
ADDRESS: 10 Carlton House Terrace
London SW1Y 5AH, UK
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
The Foundation's purpose is to provide a neutral platform for debate of policy issues that have a science, technology or medical element. The Foundation organises dinner/discussions and workshops on relevant issues when parliament is sitting. A printable list of the titles and dates of the events listed below is available for download. To view the journal click on the icon on the FST Journal panel.

(Formerly Underwriters Laboratories Inc.)
CONTACT: See web page for contact information
ADDRESS: World wide - see web page
Headquarters: Northbrook, Illinois, USA
* Standards / Certifications
* Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
As a global company with more than 120 years of expertise, UL works with customers and stakeholders to help them navigate market complexity. UL brings clarity and empowers trust to support the responsible development, production, marketing and purchase of the goods, solutions, and innovations of today and tomorrow. We connect people to safer, more secure, more sustainable products, services, experiences and environments – enabling smarter choices and better lives.

Public Relations Address:
Stresemannallee 15, 60596 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49.69.6308.0
E-Mail: service@vde.com
(The web site is in both English & German translations)
CATRGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
The Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies is a non-profit association for electrical science and technology.
It was founded in 1893.
More than 34,000 engineers, natural scientists and technicians are members of the VDE.
In addition there are some 1,000 corporate members, including all important companies of the electrical and power industry as well as numerous federal authorities.
On the regional level the VDE is represented by 34 local sections and 55 branch offices. The registered seat is Frankfurt am Main.

WHMA - Wiring Harness Manufacturer's Association
An affiliate of IPC
CONTACT: General info.
PHONE: 847.615.7100
E-MAIL: contact.us@whma.org
ADDRESS: 3000 Lakeside Drive, 105 N
Bannockburn, Illinois 60015 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
The Wiring Harness Manufacturer’s Association® (WHMA) was established in 1993 to serve and dedicate their resources to the global cable and wire harness industry.
WHMA is the ONLY trade association exclusively representing the cable and wire harness manufacturing industry including manufacturers, their suppliers and customers.

Women in Technology International (WITI)
CONTACT: General
PHONE: 818.788.9484
E-MAIL: Contact form on web page
ADDRESS: 11500 Olympic Blvd., Suite 400
Los Angeles, California 90064 USA
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
Carolyn Leighton founded WITI to help women advance by providing access to - and support from - other professional women working in all sectors of technology (read the story or watch the video.)
WITI started in 1989 as The International Network of Women in Technology and, in 2001, evolved into The WITI Professional Association, the world's leading trade association for tech-savvy women.
Today, WITI is the premiere global organization empowering women in business and technology to achieve unimagined possibilities.
WITI (Women in Technology International) is committed to empowering innovators, inspiring future generations and building inclusive cultures, worldwide.
WITI is redefining the way women and men collaborate to drive innovation and business growth and is helping corporate partners create and foster gender inclusive cultures.
A leading authority of women in technology and business, WITI has been advocating and recognizing women's contributions in the industry for more than 30 years.
The organization delivers leading edge programs and platforms for individuals and companies -- designed to empower professionals, boost competitiveness and cultivate partnerships, globally.

World Electronic Circuits Council
CATEGORIES: Trade Organizations / Societies / Associations / Federations / Standards Institutes / Consortiums
Associations representing the electronic circuits industries in Asia, Europe and North America formed the World Electronic Circuits Council (WECC) in 1998.
WECC is a group of related industry trade associations from throughout the world that provides a forum and focus for bringing industry representatives together to address important issues that are best addressed on a global basis.

Web www.everythingpcb.com

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