Banner ad price list
Banner ad rates:
Below rates apply to industry standard 468 X 60px banners.
Please write or call for prices if you have other ad size requirements.
Advertise with a banner on the EverythingPCB home page.
The banner includes your banner art linked to your EverythingPCB listing or website.
$175.00 per month
$420.00 per quarter - save 20% over monthly
$1575.00 per year - save 25% over monthly
Advertise with a banner on the Product, Service and Resource Index, News & Cartoons, or the PCB & Technology Industry Trade Shows & Events page linked to your EverythingPCB listing or website..
$150.00 per month
$360.00 per quarter - save 20% over monthly
$1350.00 per year - save 25% over monthly
Advertise with a banner in a specific category (page) of your choice linked to your EverythingPCB listing or website.
$100.00 per month
$240.00 per quarter- save 20% over monthly
$900.00 per year - save 25% over monthly
Make online payments with to us with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!
Send your payment to or click above PayPal logo.
The above rates are effective as of January 2019.